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How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?




本期音频: How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight? 怎样用英语形容减肥这件事?

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事

It’s time to wear beautiful dresses and shorts. However, worrying about being too fat to fit in? Need to burn some fat in the gym? How to use some English words to describe losing weight? This article could help you.---到了该穿漂亮裙子和短裤的时候了,然而担心自己太胖而穿不进去?需要去健身房燃烧一些脂肪?如何用英语来形容减肥这件事呢?这篇文章可以帮到你。

1/ Put on weight---体重增加,胖了

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事


Gain weight---体重增加

For example:---举例说明:

I have put on a lot of weight.---我最近变胖了。

2/ Lose weight---体重减少,瘦了

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事


Become slim---变瘦了

For example:---举例说明:

I want to lose weight not my health.---我想变瘦而不是毁掉我的健康。

3/ On a diet---节食减肥

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事


Control the amount of food one eating---控制食物的摄入量

For example:---举例说明:

No chocolate please. I’m on a diet.---请别加巧克力,我正在节食减肥。

4/ Cut carbohydrates---减少碳水化合物

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事


Decrease the food you eat, such as, rice, bread, and potatoes---减少如米饭,面包和土豆类的食物摄入

For example:---举例说明:

You should cut carbohydrates to help you slim down.---你应该少吃碳水化合物来帮助你瘦下来。

5/ Weight training---重量训练,力量训练

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事


Lifting heavy objects for exercise, especially to improve the strength of muscles and the appearance of body---通过举起重物进行的锻炼,特别指提高肌肉力量和身形

For example:---举例说明:

I do weight training in the gym during the week.---我每周都在健身房做力量训练。

6/ Workout---做运动,锻炼

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事


To exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body---为了增加力量及塑性而进行锻炼

For example:---举例说明:

I work out in the gym 3 times a week.---我一周在健身房锻炼3次。

7/ Treadmill---跑步机

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事


An exercise machine that makes you walk or run without moving forward---一种使你走路或跑步而无需向前移动的机器

For example:---举例说明:

She works out on a treadmill.---她在跑步机上锻炼。

8/ Burn fat---燃烧脂肪

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事


Lose fat by exercising---通过做运动而减少脂肪

For example:---举例说明:

Exercising can help you burn fat.---做运动可以帮助你燃烧脂肪。

9/ Keep fit---保持身材

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事


Keep healthy and strong, especially as a result of exercise---通过运动而保持健康且强壮

For example:---举例说明:

I jog to keep fit.---我通过慢跑来保持身材。

10/ Do cardio---做有氧运动

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事


Do exercise that increases the rate of your heart---做一些使心跳增加的运动

For example:---举例说明:

I like to do cardio, it helps me burn fat.---我喜欢做有氧运动,它可以帮助我燃烧脂肪。

How to Use English to Describe Losing Weight?怎样用英语说减肥这件事

Now that you know how to use English to describe losing weight. Stay healthy and good luck with keeping fit!---现在你知道如何用英语来形容减肥了。保持健康并祝你在健身的道路上一路好运!




