
听音乐用英语怎么说,正规手写收条格式范本Unit 5 Topic 1一、写出下列英文单词的汉语意思。1. gate2. by3. always4. plane5. train6. ship7. boat8. weekda

仁爱版 七年级英语(下册)各单元复习资料(单词/短语/写作)

Unit 5 Topic 1


1. gate

2. by

3. always

4. plane

5. train

6. ship

7. boat

8. weekday

9. early

10. bird

11. catch

12. sometimes

13. seldom

14. walk

15. never

16. ride

17. park

18. watch

19. TV

20. movie

21. begin

22. after



25. swim

26. listen

27. music


29. week

30. basketball

31. once

32. twice

33. game

34. great

35. wall



38. or

39. over

40. more

41. talk


1. —Hi, Jane and Helen. Happy new year!

(对……也一样) you..

2. Oh, It’s time for class. (快点儿,加油).

3. Michael comes to school (走路,步行).

4. Jane (去上学) by bus.

5. I always (做家庭作业)at school.

6. I usually (看电视) in the evening.

7. They usually have lunch (在学校).

8. Do they short (休息) after lunch?

9. They often play basketball or soccer, (去游泳) (等等).

10. Ellen usually (听音乐) after school.

11. She four (上课) in the morning.

12. She (去睡觉) at about a quarter to ten.


根据下表所给提示介绍Tom 的一天。





after school

after dinner


get up

have breakfast

go to school

have breakfast

play basketball

do homework

go to bed

Unit 5 Topic 2


1. make

2. card

3. boring

4. soon

5. playground

6. lab

7. computer

8. room

9. hall

10. building

11. swimming

12. pool

13. clean

14. run

15. dance

16. borrow

17. course

18. use

19. keep

20. musr

21. return

22. newspaper

23. money

24. wallet

25. few

26. game

27. sit

28. lesson

29. write

30. blackboard

31. draw

32. picture

33. because

34. Japanese

35. wonderful

36. also


1. There is a (餐厅) in our school.

2. May I borrow (一些;少量) Ren’ai Project English workbooks?

3. —May I borrow some books?


4. The girl (寻找) the books on the shelves.

5. You must return them (准时).

6. Maria and another girl are talking at the (失物招领处).

7. Steve is (打扫).

8. She is cleaning the blackboard (在……的后面)the classroom.



仁爱版 七年级英语(下册)各单元复习资料(单词/短语/写作)

Unit 5 Topic 3


1. Wednesday

2. Monday

3. Tuesday

4. Thursday

5. Friday

6. physics

7. geography

8. P.E.

9. art

10. math

11. history

12. science

13. meeting

14. easy

15. interesting

16. difficult

17. learn

18. which

19. subject

20. best

21. study

22. activity

23. attention

24. between

25. stamp

26. Saturday

27. night

28. sound

29. February

30. hard


1. How often does he do (户外运动)?

2. The basketball game is 3:00 (从……到)4:00.



提示:1. 学校生活很有趣。每天7:00到校,4:30放学。上午四节课,下午两节课。

2. 最喜欢周四,因为周四有你最喜欢的地理课和数学课。

Dear Wang Dan,

I have a good time at my new school, Guangming Middle School. School life here is interesting.


Du Li

Unit 6 Topic 1


1. garden

2. bedroom

3. second

4. floor

5. beautiful

6. kitchen

7. bathroom

8. first

9. clock

10. near

11. under

12. chair

13. behind

14. guitar

15. window

16. table

17. key

18. put

19. away


21. thing

22. center

23. yard

24. flower

25. house

26. large

27. left

28. model

29. only



1. There is a garden (在……中心) the yard.

2. She is (照顾) her little brother.

3. There is a (餐厅) on the first floor.

4. The (客厅) is on the second floor.

5. My father is (在……前面) the house.

6.There is a sofa, a desk, some books _____________(等等) in her study.

7. Don’t put them there. them (将……收起).


请根据所给提示词,以“My home”为题写一篇短文,描绘你的家和你家周围的环境。

提示词:in the center of, garden, flowers, house, three bedrooms, study, in front of, supermarket, behind, park

Unit 6 Topic 2


1. country

2. quiet

3. month

4. neighbor

5. store

6. bank

7. street

8. corner

9. post

10. supermarket

11. railway

12. station

13. end


15. community

16. child

17. children

18. sport

19. close

20. far

21. service

22. area

23. sleep

24. move

25. countryside


27. noise

28. traffic

29. cost

30. miss

31. air

32. fresh


1. There is a (邮局) on the street corner.

2. We can park cars in the (停车场).

3. One of your classmates is talking loudly in the (阅览室).

4. Mr. Smart lives (在……尽头) Elm Road.

5. There are (许多;大量) tall buildings and small gardens in our community.

6. There are many shops and restaurants (靠近) my home.

7. The parking lot and the train station are not (远离) here.

8. I’ll get someone to check it (立刻).


Do you like living in cities or in the countryside? Why or why not? Write a passage about it.

Unit 6 Topic 3


1. along

2. turn

3. meter

4. across

5. bridge

6. until

7. kilometer

8. should

9. change

10. public

11. light

12. danger

13. safe

14. stop

15. lose


17. rule

18. before

19. cross

20. third

21. last

22. careful

23. ticket

24. speed

25. fast

26. wrong


28. down

29. both


1. The bookstore is (在……对面) the school.

2. (向右拐) at the first crossing..

3. The park is the bank ________(在.. ... 和....之间)the restaurant.



Unit 7 Topic 1


1. writer

2. was

3. born

4. July

5. fan

6. March

7. May

8. April

9. June


11. September

12. October

13. November

14. December

15. January

16. were

17. alone

18. thousand

19. birthday

20. date

21. plan

22. celebrate

23. party

24. fourth

25. fifth

26. sixth

27. seventh

28. eighth

29. ninth

30. tenth

31. twelfth

32. twentieth

33. present

34. shape

35. ball

356 afraid

37. star

38. mouse

39. square

40. circle

41.cake __________



Unit 7 Topic 2


1. else

2. smart

3. count

4. ago

5 London

6. word


1. I’m sure we will (玩得开心) at the party.

2. Kangkang (擅长) playing soccer.

3. (在……岁时) five, she could play the piano very well.


Write a passage according to the table, using can, can’t, could and couldn’t.



In the past



fly a kite

Not…at all

a little


perform ballet

just a little

very well


play ping-pong

not very well

be good at it


sing English songs

very well

Unit 7 Topic 3


1. magic

2. enjoy

3. himself

6. yesterday

7. matter

8. fall

9. poor

10. myself

11. wash

12. forget

13. bring

14. candle

15. wish

16. blow

17. everyone

18. sunny


20.everything ______




1. Did Kangkang (过得愉快)?

2. Go and wash your hands (立刻;马上).

3. . Kangkang made a wish and then he ____________________(吹灭) the candles..



Unit 8 Topic 1


1. weather

2. spring

3. warm

4. season

5. summer

6. hot

7. winter

8. cold

9. rain



12. rainy

13. cloudy

14. snowy

15. windy


17. bright

18. temperature

19. low

20. holiday

21. umbrella






27. Australia

28. most

29. sun

30. busy

31. leaf










1.Remember to __________________ ( 穿、戴) your raincoat when you go outside.

2. It rains suddenly, but (以后,后来), it may get fine again.

3. We went home (立即,马上).

4. The weather gets warm and everything (复苏).

5. Trees turn green and flowers (开放).



Unit 8 Topic 2


1. together

2. interest


3. India

4. hometown


7. prepare

8. share

9. fun

10. carry

11. decide

12. dangerous

13. stay

14. alone

15. mountain

16. arrive

17. friendly

18. gift


1. I’d like to visit some (名胜) in China.

2. The weather there is always fine (一年到头).

3.When you plan to take a trip on your holiday, you should ___________ well ________ it.


4._______________ ( 远离 ) dangerous animals.



1. Where did you go?

2. Who did you go with?

3. How did you go there?

4. How long did you stay there?

5. What did you do there?

6. How did you feel?


Unit 8 Topic 3


1. festival

2. dumpling

3. Christmas

4. sweet

5. luck

6. pie

7. believe

8. full

9. moon

10. important

11. open

12. special

13. grape

14. lucky

15. knock

16. shout

17. treat

18. race

19. national

20. flag


1. In China, celebrating the (春节) is a big event.

2. People eat mooncakes on (中秋节).

3. On Christmas Eve, the night of December 24th, children (挂起)stockings

by the fireplaces or at the end of their beds before they go to bed.

4. On the eve of the festival, the family all get together for a big dinner. They (熬夜)and enjoy dumplings at midnight for good luck.

5. On the first day of the lunar new year, children are very happy to get ___________________

(压岁钱) from them

6. Last night was Halloween. We (敲)our neighbors’ door and shouted, “Trick or treat.”

7. The (龙舟节) is on lunar May 5th.

8. October 1st is the (国庆节) of the PRC.

9. One of them is (国际劳动节).





Unit 5

Topic 1

Tom usually gets up at 6:20. At seven o’clock, he has breakfast with his parents. Then he goes to school by bus. He has four classes in the morning. He has lunch at 12:00. He has two classes in the afternoon. After school, he usually plays basketball.

After dinner, he does his homework. He goes to bed at about 10:00.

Topic 2

It’s five o’clock now. Jane is running on the playground. Kangkang and Michael are swimming in the school swimming pool. Look, they are having a good time. What about Maria? Aha, she is reading a book in the library. Lin Tao and Li Ming are good friends. They are playing basketball in the gym.

Topic 3

Dear Wang Dan,

I have a good time at my new school, Guangming Middle School. School life here is interesting. Every day I get to school at 7:30 a.m. In the morning I have four lessons and in the afternoon I have two. My favorite day is Thursday, because I have geography and math. You know they’re my favorite subjects. School is over at 4:30 p.m. After school I always play games with my classmates. I like my new school.


Du Li

Unit 6

Topic 1

Dear Li Na,

I’m very glad to get a letter from you. I know your home is beautiful. My home is beautiful, too.

There is a small garden in the center of the yard. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. There is a big house at the back of the yard. There are many rooms in the house. I like reading in the study. In front of my house, there’s a supermarket. I can do some shopping in it. Behind the house, there is a park. My parents and I often walk in the park after supper. I like my home.


Li Lei

Topic 2

Many people move from countryside to the cities because it’s easy to find jobs in cities. But I don’t like living in cities. There is too much pollution in cities. It’s too noisy in cities. The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high. But it’s quiet in the countryside. There is less pollution in the countryside. The air is fresh, the water is clean. The cost of living is low. There are many houses with big yards in the countryside. I like living in a house with a big yard.

Topic 3

Nowadays, the traffic is crazy. More and more traffic accidents happen. It’s necessary to know about the traffic rules.

In China, we must drive on the right-hand side of the road. When the traffic lights are green, we can go. Green means go. Yellow means wait. Don’t drive after drinking. Don’t play on the road. If we break the traffic rules, we may cause trouble and even get a fine. It’s very important for us to obey the traffic rules. If everyone obeys the traffic rules, the roads will be safer.

Unit 7

Topic 1

My mother was born on May,22nd, 1971. Next Saturday is her birthday. My father and I are planning to celebrate it. My father would like to cook a special dinner .He also wants to buy some flowers for my mother. I want to make a birthday card by myself. I also plan help my mother do some cleaning on that day. My father and I are going to make a special birthday cake for my mother, too. I think that would be a surprise for my mother.

Topic 2

It’s time for outdoor activities. Jane is flying a kite. In the past, Jane couldn’t fly a kite at all, but now she can fly it a little. Look, Maria is performing ballet. She can perform ballet very well now. But one year ago, she could dance a little. Michael is playing ping-pong. He could do it before, but not very well. Now he is good at playing ping-pong. What’s Kangkang doing? He is singing an English song. He could sing English songs very well at the age of 5.

Topic 3

Dear Mary,

How are you?

Thank you for your birthday card. We had a wonderful party at my home yesterday. My friends brought many presents for me. I like the presents very much.

My mother cooked a big dinner for us. My father bought me a big birthday cake. After dinner, We all sat around the cake. I made a silent wish, and then I blew the candles out in one breath. We danced, sang songs and played games at the party. We had a good time.

Best wishes



Unit 8

Topic 1

In China, spring returns in March. The weather gets warm. Everything comes back to life. It’s a good season for flying kites. Summer begins in June. It’s very hot, it often rains and sometimes it rains heavily. It’s a good time to go swimming. Fall comes after summer. It’s a harvest season. It’s cool. It’s the best time to climb mountains. Winter is a very cold season. Sometimes it snows. People can make snowmen in winter.

Topic 2

I went to Sichuan with my family during the summer holiday. The trip was wonderful. We went there by train. We stayed in Sichuan for three days. The people there are friendly and the food there is very hot and nice. We visited some places of interest, such as Mount Emei and Jiuzhaigou. The scenery there are beautiful. W took many photos. We had a wonderful time.

Topic 3

Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China. Before it comes, people usually prepare delicious food, and clean and decorate their homes. They also buy some new clothes. On the eve of the festival, the whole family gets together for a big dinner. People usually stay up to welcome the new year and eat dumplings at midnight for good luck. On the first day of new year, children put on new clothes and get lucky money from their parents.




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