




Your idea is a little out of control. Let me show you two Chinese made heavy weapons to broaden your horizons.


This is the first high-speed railway slj900 / 32 "all-round" new type mobile bridge erecting machine without lower guide beam developed by Hanjiang heavy industry technology company, the sixth company of China Railway Construction 11th bureau group.




This mechanical monster weighs about 580 tons, is 91 meters long and 7 meters wide. The machine is transported by a group of 64 wheels. Each wheel is divided into four parts. Each part is composed of 16 wheels. It integrates lifting beam, transporting beam and erecting beam, which also explains the origin of the title of China's infrastructure crazy devil.


Do you know how difficult it is to build a tunnel? For a long time, only Germany and Japan have been able to manufacture machines that can complete this work, and China has to continue to rely on the technical teams of other countries to dig tunnels until foreign countries rely on technical barriers to start prices. China has decided to develop its own shield machine.




Shield machine is a high-end equipment, known as "land aircraft carrier". For a long time, the core parts of shield machine made in China have been dependent on imports. North China heavy industry united with the top research institutes in China to carry out a successful technical breakthrough, overcome the technical problems of key components of shield machine, achieve another breakthrough in China's high-end equipment, and realize the 100% localization of shield machine manufacturing for the first time.


Do we have these big killers in India? With all due respect, we can't even build a public toilet. Don't talk about these guys. In fact, India does not even have the opportunity to compete with China in manufacturing, R & D and technology. It is absurd to compare the two countries. The sad current situation of India's manufacturing industry can be mentioned more than 70 years before independence. The lack of awareness of independence has kept the country under others' control. India can't even make simple products like earphones. Yes, even these small earphones may be made in China, even though they may have labels made in India to deceive Indians.


It is very unfair for China to compare the two countries. Most Chinese people don't want their country to be compared with India. They think it is disgraceful. Just as others compare us with Pakistan, they prefer to compare their country with the United States, Japan and other countries.


The existing technological capacity of a country can be measured by the number of high-tech companies in the country. According to the Fortune Global 500, China occupies 129 of the world's top 500 enterprises, ranking first in the world, while India has only 7, less than Taiwan Island. Among the 20 largest technology companies, 9 are Chinese companies and the rest are American companies. There are no Indian companies on the list.


The scientific and technological innovation ability of a country can be measured from three aspects: patent, nature index and R & D investment. In 2019, China's R & D investment was US $297.1 billion, ranking second in the world, more than the total of Europe, while India's R & D investment was US $16.8 billion, ranking 18th in the world, accounting for only 5.6% of China. In terms of the number of patent applications, China ranks first in the world, and the number of patent applications in India is less than 3% of that in China. In the nature index of high-quality scientific journals, China ranks second only to the United States, while India is not even on the list.

衡量一个国家的科技创新能力也可以从专利、高质量科学期刊指数(nature index)和研发投资三个方面来衡量。2019年,中国的研发投资为2971亿美元,居世界第二位,超过整个欧洲的总和,而印度的研发投资为168亿美元,居世界第18位,仅占中国的5.6%。就专利申请数量而言,中国排名世界第一,印度的专利申请数量也不到中国的3%。在高质量科学期刊索引(nature index)中,中国排名第二,仅次于美国,而印度甚至不在名单上。

It can be seen from the above data that India is not close to China in technology. China's technical strength is not only significantly ahead of India, but also ahead of Japan, Germany, France and Britain, only behind the United States.


Considering that India's current technology lags far behind China, and China's annual R & D investment is more than 17 times that of India, the technology gap between China and India will not narrow, but will expand in the future. If India wants to catch up with China in technology, India's annual R & D expenses must be at least 20 times higher than now. The Indian government should know that there is no shortcut to success. No matter how many high-tech weapons and products you buy from other countries, technology itself does not belong to you. To succeed, you need to invest money and time in technology.




Another important indicator to measure the development level of a country's science and technology industry is the ranking of high-tech exports.


The 2012 list shows that China's high-tech exports accounted for only 19% in that year, but by 2020, they have increased to 42%. 3 this does not include China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. By 2025, it is expected that more than 60% of total exports will come from Chinese enterprises.


India has almost no foundation for technological development. From 1996 to 2020, because we decided to develop the service industry with less efforts and faster profits, now we have become a country with many dazzling barber shops and nightclubs.


With the rapid development of science and technology in China, they are almost ready to break through the technical blockade in the field of Samsung and TSMC chips, and the R & D and manufacturing of 28nm and 14nm process chips have made rapid progress; The source of core materials for their satellite manufacturing is no longer NASA. They defeated Xigu company in high-speed rail R & D, and won the battle with Mitsubishi in Japan in terms of design and patent of zonzai engine. The Chinese always want to be better.


And what is India doing? Restrictions on Chinese products through high tariffs, banning Chinese applications such as tiktok and wechat, and reducing the market share of Chinese products, but we have never thought about how we can strive to do better. Government officials are always willing to lie and publicize mediocre political achievements through celebrity advertising and spending a lot of money on meaningless media articles and publicity. A congressman even said "don't spend money on research, don't spend money on high-quality scholarships, don't spend money on retaining talents, don't spend money on health and education, and spend money on buying missiles and weapons".


If we continue like this, Indians will always be losers. Unless we fight, we will be far away from China and will never enter the vision of the Chinese people.



