
谷歌seoThis Mom is Sharing Her Birth Story on TikTok to Raise Awareness for Birth Trauma When I became pregnant


The Day My Life Changed





RELATED: 所有出生创伤都是有效的:以下是如何识别它并获得所需的支持在候诊室里,我的家人听到了蓝色代码公告。他们不知道发生了什么。当他们到达我的房间时,他们发现了我的丈夫

d barely able to speak. Doctors explained to my family, "The baby is fine, but Kayleigh is not. She had an amniotic fluid embolism, and we're doing everything we can to save her life." Following my emergency C-section, my heart and lungs were failing, so I was placed on ECMO, a respiratory machine that acts as your heart and lungs. My clinical team couldn't stop the bleeding, so a hysterectomy was performed, and over 140 units of blood were transfused.

Kayleigh Summers in the hospital. Kayleigh Summers in the hospital. 这位妈妈正在抖音分享她的出生故事,以提高对出生创伤的认识Kayleigh Summers in the hospital. | Credit: Courtesy of Kayleigh Summers

My Road To Recovery

Over the next several hours, more than 50 medical professionals used every ounce of their knowledge to bring me back from the brink of death several times. I know every individual has to choose the birthing plan that's right for them. For me, without the skilled physicians and staff at Paoli Hospital, where I delivered, I know without a doubt I would not be here today.

My journey continued for several more days while still on ECMO and a ventilator. I was transferred to another hospital, Lankenau Medical Center outside of Philadelphia, where I received a small heart pump (Impella) to help my heart recover. It wasn't until five days later that I was able to meet my son for the first time, although I have no memory of it.

Just 14 days after my AFE and Callahan's birth I was sent home to be with my family. I owe my life to my amazing medical teams. They never gave up on me and I will be forever grateful to them for giving me the opportunity to be a mom.

  • RELATED: 11 Things You Can Do to Better Empower Yourself in Pregnancy, Birth, and the Postpartum Period

Kayleigh Summers, her child, and Dr. Saberin. Kayleigh Summers, her child, and Dr. Saberin. 这位妈妈正在抖音分享她的出生故事,以提高对出生创伤的认识Kayleigh Summers, her child, and Dr. Mojdeh Saberin. | Credit: Courtesy of Kayleigh Summers

Turning Crisis Into Opportunity

It's been a little over two years since my AFE and Callahan's birth. But I knew I needed to do something. I wanted to raise awareness for AFE, while also using my knowledge as a therapist to help those who have experienced birth trauma. There's a complex set of emotions that occur when someone experiences trauma on a day that was promised to be one of the best days of their lives. So, I created a social media community, where I'm known as The Birth Trauma Mama, to support birth trauma survivors and to educate on AFE.

Since I built the community in January 2020, I've supported hundreds of new parents as they process the complex emotions related to a traumatic birth. My TikTok videos describing my story have helped medical professionals better understand a patient's perspective and be more prepared if this rare complication were to present in their unit. While I hope no person has to experience what I did, I am grateful to be here today and to share my knowledge and support with other birth trauma survivors.


