RELATED: 收养一个家庭:抚养孩子的父母的真实故事这对夫妇参加了寄养父母班,并在八个月内获得了认证。琼斯-鲍德温说,我们开始寄养,这是一次非常有益的经历。然后,我们决定成为养父母。
ant to adopt a white baby?'" Her response: "100 percent yes."
Keia Jones-Baldwin and son
Keia Jones-Baldwin and her son Princeton. | Credit: Courtesy of Keia Jones-Baldwin
Backlash of Raising a Multiracial Family
Growing up, it wouldn't have been uncommon for Jones-Baldwin to hear comments like, "You can't trust white people." But raising a white son and two biracial children has made the foster mom more conscious of statements like that. "Would I have not had a biracial child or a white child, I would have still stayed in my bubble," she says.
At the same time, the devoted mom has faced negativity and ignorance from outsiders. "I never thought I would experience so much hatred and racism," says Jones-Baldwin. She's been asked, "Why would you open your foster home to a white child? Black kids need love too," or "Why would you take a white baby out of his white privilege and a situation where he'd be able to have a good life?" Others will blatantly say, "You shouldn't have that white child."
Even worse: Jones-Baldwin often has interactions with strangers who go further than just spewing insensitive comments. "We were once in a department store, and this guy started taking pictures of my son to report to security that I had kidnapped my son," she recalls.
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She's also realized the double standards that exist between Black and white foster parents. As the only Black foster parent of a white child in a foster care training class, she began chatting with some of the white parents who were present with their Black children. The white parents were lamenting over experiences like being told they couldn't do their child's hair or being asked where their child was from, implying they are not American.
But when Jones-Baldwin asked if those parents are stopped in restaurants or accused of kidnapping their child, the mothers replied, "No, we get more like, 'you're saving this child.'" That's when Jones-Baldwin realized her experience was different than other foster parents.
From that point on, she was determined to raise awareness for families like her own. "There are families that are in transracial adoption situations, and we want to be treated fairly," she says. "We want the opportunity to not have to defend our families every time we’re out in public."
The Baldwin kids
The Baldwin kids. | Credit: Courtesy of Keia Jones-Baldwin
How This Mom Started a Movement
"I've started seeing in the media Black families who have adopted white children," says Jones-Baldwin.
Not only has the proud mom been connecting with these families, but she also started a blog called Raising Cultures in 2018. It soon grew across multiple social media sites, including Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, and serves as a resource and supportive community for all parents.
The reason it has become so popular and the family's posts have gone viral? "People really want to see positivity and are needing to see happiness," says Jones-Baldwin. "It's one love; just one race—the human race."
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She also hopes to spread the message to people that while parenting is a universally shared experience, everyone should feel empowered to "make it their own."
"Everybody's family is different," says Jones-Baldwin. "Don't put stipulations on love, on the possibility of helping a kid of another culture. You're going to bring something to that kid that they need, and they’ll bring something to you that you need. Families don't have to match. We don’t have to look alike to love alike."