
谷歌seoTikTok Mom Shares Conversation With 'Blame-Shifting' Principal After School Incident Involving Her Child


这位母亲在username @ BrittyRed下发帖称,上周她最初分享说,她去看望患有自闭症的儿子阿奇的学校,他跳下排队迎接她。因为幼儿园老师不是学校最大的粉丝,所以他见到妈妈特别高兴。但据@ BrittyRed报道,就在这时,一名老师介入,当着孩子的面,开始对他大喊大叫,说他越线了。

@@brittyred事件发生后,@brittyred与该校校长进行了交谈,她将该校描述为一所公立学校,面向像她儿子一样有特殊需求的儿童@BrittyRed .鼓励观众注意到这样一个事实,即校长是"煤气灯和推卸责任。"她写道,"绝对不能容忍他责怪我。"


hand  holding  cell  phone


M15.164 18.532c-.011.039-.022.072-.03.106-.503 1.97-.56 2.408-1.076 3.322-.246.436-.524.847-.832 1.242-.034.044-.067.102-.136.088-.076-.016-.082-.084-.09-.145-.083-.599-.128-1.2-.108-1.803.026-.788.123-1.058 1.139-5.327a.295.295 0 0 0-.024-.178c-.244-.656-.291-1.32-.079-1.995.459-1.456 2.11-1.567 2.398-.366.178.743-.292 1.716-.653 3.152-.299 1.186 1.097 2.03 2.29 1.163 1.1-.798 1.527-2.71 1.446-4.067-.16-2.703-3.125-3.287-5.005-2.417-2.157.997-2.647 3.67-1.673 4.891. 2.212 0 0 1-.9-.675c-.827-1.024-1.064-3.049.03-4.763 1.21-1.9 3.463-2.668 5.52-2.435 2.457.28 4.01 1.958 4.3 3.863.133.867.038 3.006-1.18 4.518-1.402 1.737-3.672 1.852-4.72.786-.08-.082-.145-.178-.224-.275" fill="#FFF"/> 抖音妈妈在她患有自闭症的孩子放学后与"推卸责任"的校长分享谈话Credit: Illustration by Francesca Spatola; Getty (1)

"I can't answer that for you, ma'am, I've not worked with your child," the principal replies.

In response, @BrittyRed asserts, "I guess the only answer is to just pull him."

She explains that her son was supposed to be receiving special services—physical, occupational, and speech therapies—through an individualized education program (IEP), but a teacher approached her privately saying his needs were not being met. @BrittyRed notes that no one helped her son for three months. To that, the principal responds, "That is not true, that is not accurate."


While the two ultimately seem to agree to disagree, @BrittyRed emphasizes that her son is "scared" to go to school, screaming and crying at drop-off every morning, so she feels she'll need to pull him from the school.

The clip has since gone viral, wracking up over 852K views.

  • RELATED: Mom Seeks Advice After Her Son with Autism Gets Left Out of a School Field Trip

In the comments, TikTokkers empathized with @BrittyRed, pointing out all the inconsistencies that came up in the conversation, like the fact that the principal initially said the child was receiving he services he was meant to but then saying that she wasn't sure.

"Pull him out of that school. If the answer is anything but 'We'll get to the bottom of this,' they're used to gaslighting their parents and students," concluded one commenter.

In follow-up posts, @BrittyRed confirms that she did make the call to pull Archie from the public school and send him to a private one, which he's starting this week. In her final update, the mom explains that she initially shared the conversation with the principal for family and friends to see what they were up against, but ultimately, she's glad she was able to raise awareness around "what it's like to deal with a school that's not prepared to provide accommodations for a disabled child who needs it."

She was also saddened but heartened to see through the experience that other parents had gone through similar struggles with their children.

Here's hoping @BrittyRed's story does serve to reassure parents of children who have autism that they are not alone and empower them to stand up for the education they deserve.


