
谷歌seoStudy Shows Grandmothers May Be More Connected To Their Grandchildren Than Own Children Many grandparents






An  image  of  grandchildren  with  their  grandmother  on  a  picnic  blanket  at  a  park.


291-1.32-.079-1.995.459-1.456 2.11-1.567 2.398-.366.178.743-.292 1.716-.653 3.152-.299 1.186 1.097 2.03 2.29 1.163 1.1-.798 1.527-2.71 1.446-4.067-.16-2.703-3.125-3.287-5.005-2.417-2.157.997-2.647 3.67-1.673 4.891. 2.212 0 0 1-.9-.675c-.827-1.024-1.064-3.049.03-4.763 1.21-1.9 3.463-2.668 5.52-2.435 2.457.28 4.01 1.958 4.3 3.863.133.867.038 3.006-1.18 4.518-1.402 1.737-3.672 1.852-4.72.786-.08-.082-.145-.178-.224-.275" fill="#FFF"/> 研究表明,祖母可能比自己的孩子更能与孙子联系在一起Credit: Getty Images.

On the other hand, photos of the women's own children activated the areas of their brain linked to cognitive empathy, suggesting a mental understanding of their child but less of an emotional connection. Rilling previously did a similar study in which he asked fathers to look at photos of their children. Interestingly, he noted more emotional empathy and motivation from grandmothers than he did in fathers (though not in every case).

  • RELATED: How to Handle Grandparents With Different Values Than Your Own

Ultimately, relationships are different in every family, and sometimes, grandparent-parent-grandchildren dynamics can be tricky to navigate. Some studies show that grandparents who subscribe to outdated health guidance may be harming their grandchildren. At the same time, multi-generational households have been rising for the last five years. Pew Research found about 20% of Americans lived in a multi-generational household in 2016.

Having a grandparent involved in a child's life, whether they are living with you, assisting with childcare, or visiting on holidays, can be a wonderful experience. But you may experience challenges, aside from any feelings you may have about your mom having a better connection with your child than she has with you. Here are some expert-backed tips for working through problems.

  • Open dialogue. Ask grandparents how they envision their relationship with their grandchildren, including the frequency of visits. Taking this step can alleviate disappointment if grandparents don't want to be around every weekend. It can also open up a discussion on boundaries if they want to drop by unannounced, but you, as the parent, want a heads up.
  • Safety first. If the grandparent is engaging in unsafe behavior, you have a right to protect your child. Be firm in your convictions. It doesn't matter if they let you ride in the front seat at the age of three without harm.
  • Validate them. Parents get so much unsolicited advice, including and perhaps especially from their own parents. It's often well-meaning, even if annoying. If it's harmless, such as, "You should introduce vegetables before fruit," you can say, "Thanks. I'll ask our pediatrician about that and keep it in mind." Giving them the impression you're at least thinking about it can sometimes be enough to keep things civil.

It can be so rewarding to watch your parents bond with your kids. But if you're having issues, communication can keep molehills from turning into mountains.




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