文/普思君 来源:普思 Promise EDU
又快到了年末了,各大音乐APP要盘点你的年度最爱歌单了,淘宝支付宝要推送一整年我们的剁手记录了。Year by year,时间的过的好快呀。今天一万老师不免伤怀,来说说雅思托福口语中关于时间以及时光飞逝的表达吧。
Ok, right the top of your guys' head, it must be: “Time flies”. Or "Time passes away";"As time goes by"...
是的,时光是会飞的。其实时间也会悄悄地滑走:Time slips away.
时间有着飞毛腿,稍不留神就转瞬即逝:Time fleets. (fleeting adj.)
钟表指针飞转,或者滴答作响让人焦虑:Time is ticking out.
大家练习口语的痛点应该是积累了很多好词好句,但是不会真实运用。其实有时候,我们积累了就用by all means用在自己熟悉的话题里。我愿称之为:灵活强套法 来,我们试试:
- How do you relax?(2021年9-12月真题)
- Speaking of the way of relaxation(消遣方式), when I got one day-off(有一天休息), I will listen to some music or watch films at will(随意地;随心地) in bed. Or even, if I want to blank (blank sth. out 忘怀/放空)all the stress out of my mind, in fact, I prefer doing nothing. I just enjoy the feeling that time slips away silently.
这道题看似与时间一点关系也没有,但是最后却也可以在最后联系上享受时间飞逝的感受。那其他类似的topics,如weekends;festival;new year等等都可以利用起来哈!
Many child stars, like Emma Waston has her meteoric rise to fame at a young age. (选自一万老师2021年9-12月真题P3素材)
转瞬即逝的,朝生暮死的:ephemeral /short-lived
The reason why I don't like flowers, especially the chrysanthemum, is that some might be vulnerable and ephemeral as I can't take good care of them. (选自一万老师2021年9-12月真题flower素材)
短暂的;瞬息万变的:transitory / sth. is written in water
In this day and age, everything on the Internet is transitory. So everyone is suffering from "FOMO", I mean fear of missing out, to some extend. (选自一万老师2021年9-12月真题P2-Phone/Internet素材)
This acient pagoda located at downtown has witnessed the vicissitude of our city for seveal centries. (选自一万老师2021年9-12月真题P2-building素材)
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* 作者:普思EDU,专业·专心·全面·陪伴 独立·思考·睿智·负责