
fabric是什么意思(Fabric快速入门讲解)  下面我们来学习Fabric的网络。在这里我贴出了英语原文,英语不好的小伙伴可直接看中文(翻译的不贴切的地方,请多多指教)。本系列教程上中下三部分。在本节我们先来学习下



  A Fabric permissioned blockchain network is a technical infrastructure that provides ledger services to application consumers and administrators. In most cases, multiple organizationscome together as a consortium to form the network and their permissions are determined by a set of policies that are agreed to by the consortium when the network is originally configured. Moreover, network policies can change over time subject to the agreement of the organizations in the consortium.


  The organizations RA, RB, RC and RD have decided to jointly invest in a Fabric blockchain network. Organization RA will contribute 3 peers, and 2 client applications of RA will consume the services of the blockchain network. Organization RB will contribute 4 peers and has 1 client application. Organization RC contributes 3 peers and has 2 client applications. Organization RD contributes 4 orderers. Organization RA and RB have decided to form a consortium and exploit a separate application channel between the two of them. Organization RB and RC have decided to form another consortium and also exploit a separate application channel between the two of them. Each application channel has its own policy.





  The Fabric Certificate Authority (CA) issues the certificates for organizations to authenticate to the network. There can beone or more CAs on the network and organizations can choose to use their own CA. Additionally, client applications owned by organizations in the consortium use certificates to authenticate transaction proposals, and peers use them to endorse proposals and commit transactions to the ledger if they are valid.



  The explanation of the diagram is as follows: There is a Fabric network N with network policy NP1 and ordering service O. Channel C1 is governed by channel policy CP1. Channel C1 has been established by consortium RARB. Channel C1 is managed by ordering service O and peers P1 and P2 and client applications A1 and A2 have been granted permission to transact on C1. Client application A1 is owned by organization RA. Certificate authority CA1 serves organization RA. Peer P2 maintains ledger L1 associated with channel C1 and L2 associated with C2. Peer P2 makes use of chain code S4 and S5. The orderer nodes of ordering service O are owned by organization RD.



  The network is created from the definition of the consortium including its clients, peers, channels, and ordering service(s). The ordering service is the administration point for the network because it contains the configuration for the channel(s) within the network. The configurations for each channel includes the policies for the channel and the membershipinformation (in this example X509 root certificates) for each member of the channel.





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