
Observers of any of the sciences must have special preparation. For example, people who look through a microscopecan't see what's there unless their eyes are ready. It's not enough to have paperwork and know how to fill it in.Serious preparation is necessary. Henri Fabre gives a great description of his observations of insects, he describes his longand patient preparations forthese observations. He woke before the insects wake up,Didn’t smoke his pipe to be sure the smell of the smoke wouldn’t effect the insects. Knew a lot about the insects he was studding and prepared accordingly.









When you observe your child, try to imagine that you are in the position of the teacher instructing the class and try to reflect on yourself. Imagine how many times under certain conditions you will be tempted to help your student, or to give a warning in order to prevent something happening that you think will bebad. You often think, "Oh, the teacher didn't notice", and if you're free you might think it would be helpful to step in and help. Also, try to notice how many times you have the impulse to tell someone to pay attention to things that seem interesting to you.



We are so accustomed to giving in on our impulses that we are convinced that our actions are always useful to others, so we can be sure that we can do well for others, so we can perfect those that are not perfect. For most people these impulses are considered good impulses, they come from a good place, and we have never had to control them before. There is no doubt that from a certain point of view, these feelings are good because they show a desire to help others; There are some feelings about children that come from our own view of development and what they are capable of. When we see our children have to work hard to accomplish something that is easy for us to do we have the impulse to do it instead of allowing the children to do it, because we know we can do it faster and more efficiently.



If we want to observe children, we must observe. If we see that he is putting in great effort and difficulty, if we see that it takes him a long time to do what we can easily do, then we observe - that's observation. If there is a difficulty, which is obvious to us, but the child can't see, we just leave him, that's what we're observing. We need to trust that almost all of these impulses to act are unnecessary. We will learn that, through hard work, the child, will take a long time to do things that he finds difficult, but will succeeds. If we had acted, wewould not have seen it, and it is clear that children will lack the opportunity to use their power to do so.


This is hard to accomplish at first, to beinactive when you can solve a problem so easily for a child. But it is an important battle for you towin. Children have much greater power than we think. And each time we choose to keep observing instead of helping it will become easier. When we help the child to do something, we are becoming an obstacle to the child’s independence, to their developing ability to think for themselves.



There is another observational principle that we can call physiology; when you look at a child, you can't stop being aware of other children. We know that the vision is accurate and direct, pointing directly at a point you are looking at; When a person looks at a person in a group, you must not let the wholeawareness be absorbed by the person being observed, but still stay aware of the rest.


At the same time, all things that come into our vision must consciously follow an act of will. You can imagine a teacher that must run from one child to another, observing first one child,and then the next child. Instead, we must be a calm,serene but strong person; who knows how to dominate by her observations everything that happens. This is observation. She must know how to see, how to master her impulsesand wait. She must be a person having a high level of virtue.



All great observers are basically people with great patience. Here, as in all other cases that need to be observed, if this situation does not exist very strongly,if we are not prepared, the phenomenon we are waiting for will not occur. If we are prepared at an early age for the development of this characteristic, we should naturally have the patience and control of ourselves; We should not endure observations that are so obvious, or boring today. As you know, boredom is a form of fatigue; people who observe patiently without being bored have acquired the inner strength gained through exercise. Therefore, the first exercise will be toattend a class of children, silent and motionless; try not to let themselves be taken away by the behavior of one child, but try to see the whole class.



Of course, in order to observe, we must have something to observe, and we must know what its value as an observer is.You must also recognize that something obviously interesting doesn't require a lot of preparation to observe it. However, we must be prepared to observe phenomena that are clearly not of interest. Otherwise, what will happen to those waiting observers, let's say, an egg is hatching? Or who is waiting for a physiological phenomenon and doesn't know when it happens? We are entering a noble field, because we aretaking the first step along the path to science, which is the beginning of making us scientists.


改编:Karen Chanpeng



