
重阳节用英语怎么说,陪老人过重阳节用英语怎么说Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chong Jiu festival, is a Han Chinese traditional f

  Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chong Jiu festival, is a Han Chinese traditional festival. Double Ninth Festival celebration will generally include sightseeing trips, climbing mountains, watching chrysanthemum, wearing cornel, eating Double Ninth cake, drinking chrysanthemum wine and other activities.


  The meaning of Chong Yang is originated from the “Book of Changes”. Because the ancient “Book of Changes” defined “six” as negative numbers and the “nine” as positive numbers. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, two nine-phase weight and therefore called Chong Yang, also called Chong Jiu. Ancients thought that Chong Jiu is the auspicious day which is worth celebrating. As a result, people began to celebrate the holiday very early.


  The 9th day of the 9th lunar month are homonyms with “long” in Chinese culture. Nine in the figure is the maximum number which has implications of longevity. Besides, the fall season of the year is the golden harvest season. Double Ninth Festival is meaningful. People have always had a special festival feeling.




  Historical Development 历史演变

  Double Ninth Festival has a history of more than two thousand years. The origin of Double Ninth Festival can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period. In Warring States Period, Double Ninth Festival has been emphasized, but the activity is carried out in royal palace.


  In Han Dynasty, the custom of Double Ninth Festival was increasingly popular. According to legend, the Han emperor Liu’s concubine Ms. Qi was murdered by Queen Lu. One of Ms. Qi’s housemaid named Ms. Jia was expelled and married a common people outside the royal palace. Ms. Jia brought the custom of Double Ninth Festival to the folks. Ms. Jia told people that on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month each year, people should wear cornel, drink chrysanthemum wine and eat double ninth cake so as to live longer. Since then, the folk customs of Double Ninth Festival was widely spread.



  The name of Double Ninth Festival was first seen in the records of the Warring Periods. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there appeared written records of the custom of admiring the beauty of chrysanthemum and drink chrysanthemum wine.


  In Tang Dynasty, Double Ninth Festival was officially set up as a national festival. Since then, the court and the civil both celebrate Double Ninth Festival, and hold a variety of activities during the festival.


  In Song Dynasty, the festival had developed more popular among the people. In Ming Dynasty, imperial concubines and servants would eat double ninth cake since the first day of the ninth lunar month. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the emperor would climb Wan Sui Mountain so as to express his autumn ambitions. In Qing Dynasty, the custom of Double Ninth Festival prevailed as before.


  Since the 1980s, some places of China set up the ninth day of the ninth lunar month as the Elder’s Festival. They also advocate the whole society to establish respect and care for the elderly. In 1989, the Chinese government set up the ninth day of the ninth lunar month as the “Festival for the Elderly”, “Senior Citizen’s Day.” On December 28, 2012, China’s National People’s Congress voted by the newly revised “elderly Protection Act.” As the Law clearly shows, the ninth day of ninth lunar month as the Elder’s Festival.




  Folk Custom 民间习俗

  Climb Mountains


  There is the custom of climbing mountains in Double Ninth Festival. In the ninth lunar month, the autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp. To climb mountains and look in the distance can be relaxed and happy.



  Admire the Beauty of Chrysanthemum


  Double Ninth Day, there has always been the custom of admiring chrysanthemum. So since ancient times, it is also known as Chrysanthemum Festival. Lunar ninth month was known as chrysanthemum month. Since the Three Kingdoms and Wei and Jin Dynasties, drinking chrysanthemum wine, admiring chrysanthemum and writing poems has become fashionable. In ancient Chinese customs, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of longevity.



  Drink Chrysanthemum Wine


  Chrysanthemum contain health ingredients. In “Bao Pu Zi” written by Ge Hong in Jin Dynasty, there are the record of people who drank the raw water grown chrysanthemum enjoyed longevity. Drink chrysanthemum wine on Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese customs. Drinking chrysanthemum wine is regarded as a way to block off disasters and evil things. Therefore, chrysanthemum wine is seen as “auspicious wine” in ancient China.




  Poetry 诗词

  历代诗词中有不少贺重阳、咏菊花的诗词佳作,其中我们最耳熟能详的应该是唐代诗人王维的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 :








  Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain Climbing Day

  Alone, a lonely stranger in a foreignland,

  I doubly pine for kinsfolk on aholiday.

  I know my brothers would, with dogwood spray inhand,

  Climb up mountain and miss me so faraway.





