
join是什么意思,joins怎么读音发音 Join means to become a member of a team or club. When a person joins something, he/she

Join means to become a member of a team or club. When a person joins something, he/she officially applies to become a member of it.

My brother joined the swimming club last Summer.

That is quite expensive to join that yoga club.

Join 指加入团体或俱乐部之类的活动团体。

Enter means officially to become a member, but it is usually used with a school or university or the army.

My brother entered university last year.

If you enter the army, you will serve for the country at least four years.


Attend means to be formally present at an event, like a conference, party, or meeting. It is a very formal word, but it doesn’t indicate the person take an active role in that event.

Will you attend the global review meeting tomorrow?

My boss asked me to attend the discussion meeting on Wednesday this week.


单词Join,Enter,Attend,Go To,Participate In,Take Part In区别


Go to also means to be present at an event, like a conference, meeting, or party. But this phrase is an informal phrase. It doesn’t indicate that the conference, meeting, or party is informal.

Are you going to the global review meeting tomorrow?

My boss asked me to go to the discussion meeting tomorrow.

Go to同样也是表达一个人会亲临现场参加活动,但这个词属于非正式书面表达。

单词Join,Enter,Attend,Go To,Participate In,Take Part In区别

Go to

Participate in or take part in mean to take an active part or an active role in an event, the person doesn’t only show up there, but actively gets involved in the event.

Everyone who goes to the training will have a chance to participate in the Q




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