






















typedef basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char> > string;


typedef basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, MemoryPoll<char> > mystring;





  1. 内存池的总大小自动增长。
  2. 内存池中内存片的大小固定。
  3. 支持线程安全。
  4. 在内存片被归还之后,清除其中的内容。
  5. 兼容std::allocator。



  1. data_element_ 记录以及分配出去的内存片。
  2. free_element_ 记录未被分配出去的内存片。



#ifndef PPX_BASE_MEMORY_POOL_H_#define PPX_BASE_MEMORY_POOL_H_#include <climits>#include <cstddef>#include <mutex>namespace ppx {    namespace base {        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize = 4096, bool ZeroOnDeallocate = true>        class MemoryPool {        public:            /* Member types */            typedef T               value_type;            typedef T*              pointer;            typedef T&              reference;            typedef const T*        const_pointer;            typedef const T&        const_reference;            typedef size_t          size_type;            typedef ptrdiff_t       difference_type;            typedef std::false_type propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;            typedef std::true_type  propagate_on_container_move_assignment;            typedef std::true_type  propagate_on_container_swap;            template <typename U> struct rebind {                typedef MemoryPool<U> other;            };            /* Member functions */            MemoryPool() noexcept;            MemoryPool(const MemoryPool& memoryPool) noexcept;            MemoryPool(MemoryPool&& memoryPool) noexcept;            template <class U> MemoryPool(const MemoryPool<U>& memoryPool) noexcept;            ~MemoryPool() noexcept;            MemoryPool& operator=(const MemoryPool& memoryPool) = delete;            MemoryPool& operator=(MemoryPool&& memoryPool) noexcept;            pointer address(reference x) const noexcept;            const_pointer address(const_reference x) const noexcept;            // Can only allocate one object at a time. n and hint are ignored            pointer allocate(size_type n = 1, const_pointer hint = 0);            void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n = 1);            size_type max_size() const noexcept;            template <class U, class... Args> void construct(U* p, Args&&... args);            template <class U> void destroy(U* p);            template <class... Args> pointer newElement(Args&&... args);            void deleteElement(pointer p);        private:            struct Element_ {                Element_* pre;                Element_* next;            };            typedef char* data_pointer;            typedef Element_ element_type;            typedef Element_* element_pointer;            element_pointer data_element_;            element_pointer free_element_;            std::recursive_mutex m_;            size_type padPointer(data_pointer p, size_type align) const noexcept;            void allocateBlock();            static_assert(BlockSize >= 2 * sizeof(element_type), "BlockSize too small.");        };        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::size_type            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::padPointer(data_pointer p, size_type align)            const noexcept {            uintptr_t result = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p);            return ((align - result) % align);        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::MemoryPool()            noexcept {            data_element_ = nullptr;            free_element_ = nullptr;        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::MemoryPool(const MemoryPool& memoryPool)            noexcept :            MemoryPool() {        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::MemoryPool(MemoryPool&& memoryPool)            noexcept {            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_);            data_element_ = memoryPool.data_element_;            memoryPool.data_element_ = nullptr;            free_element_ = memoryPool.free_element_;            memoryPool.free_element_ = nullptr;        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        template<class U>        MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::MemoryPool(const MemoryPool<U>& memoryPool)            noexcept :            MemoryPool() {        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>&            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::operator=(MemoryPool&& memoryPool)            noexcept {            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_);            if (this != &memoryPool) {                std::swap(data_element_, memoryPool.data_element_);                std::swap(free_element_, memoryPool.free_element_);            }            return *this;        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::~MemoryPool()            noexcept {            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_);            element_pointer curr = data_element_;            while (curr != nullptr) {                element_pointer prev = curr->next;                operator delete(reinterpret_cast<void*>(curr));                curr = prev;            }            curr = free_element_;            while (curr != nullptr) {                element_pointer prev = curr->next;                operator delete(reinterpret_cast<void*>(curr));                curr = prev;            }        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::pointer            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::address(reference x)            const noexcept {            return &x;        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::const_pointer            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::address(const_reference x)            const noexcept {            return &x;        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        void            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::allocateBlock() {            // Allocate space for the new block and store a pointer to the previous one            data_pointer new_block = reinterpret_cast<data_pointer> (operator new(BlockSize));            element_pointer new_ele_pointer = reinterpret_cast<element_pointer>(new_block);            new_ele_pointer->pre = nullptr;            new_ele_pointer->next = nullptr;            if (data_element_) {                data_element_->pre = new_ele_pointer;            }            new_ele_pointer->next = data_element_;            data_element_ = new_ele_pointer;        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize,  bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::pointer            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::allocate(size_type n, const_pointer hint) {            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_);            if (free_element_ != nullptr) {                data_pointer body =                    reinterpret_cast<data_pointer>(reinterpret_cast<data_pointer>(free_element_) + sizeof(element_type));                size_type bodyPadding = padPointer(body, alignof(element_type));                pointer result = reinterpret_cast<pointer>(reinterpret_cast<data_pointer>(body + bodyPadding));                element_pointer tmp = free_element_;                free_element_ = free_element_->next;                if (free_element_)                    free_element_->pre = nullptr;                tmp->next = data_element_;                if (data_element_)                    data_element_->pre = tmp;                tmp->pre = nullptr;                data_element_ = tmp;                return result;            }            else {                allocateBlock();                data_pointer body =                    reinterpret_cast<data_pointer>(reinterpret_cast<data_pointer>(data_element_) + sizeof(element_type));                size_type bodyPadding = padPointer(body, alignof(element_type));                pointer result = reinterpret_cast<pointer>(reinterpret_cast<data_pointer>(body + bodyPadding));                return result;            }        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize, bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        inline void            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) {            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_);            if (p != nullptr) {                element_pointer ele_p =                    reinterpret_cast<element_pointer>(reinterpret_cast<data_pointer>(p) - sizeof(element_type));                if (ZeroOnDeallocate) {                    memset(reinterpret_cast<data_pointer>(p), 0, BlockSize - sizeof(element_type));                }                if (ele_p->pre) {                    ele_p->pre->next = ele_p->next;                }                if (ele_p->next) {                    ele_p->next->pre = ele_p->pre;                }                if (ele_p->pre == nullptr) {                    data_element_ = ele_p->next;                }                ele_p->pre = nullptr;                if (free_element_) {                    ele_p->next = free_element_;                    free_element_->pre = ele_p;                }                else {                    ele_p->next = nullptr;                }                free_element_ = ele_p;            }        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize, bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::size_type            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::max_size()            const noexcept {            size_type maxBlocks = -1 / BlockSize;            return (BlockSize - sizeof(data_pointer)) / sizeof(element_type) * maxBlocks;        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize, bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        template <class U, class... Args>        inline void            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::construct(U* p, Args&&... args) {            new (p) U(std::forward<Args>(args)...);        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize, bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        template <class U>        inline void            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::destroy(U* p) {            p->~U();        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize, bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        template <class... Args>        inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::pointer            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::newElement(Args&&... args) {            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_);            pointer result = allocate();            construct<value_type>(result, std::forward<Args>(args)...);            return result;        }        template <typename T, size_t BlockSize, bool ZeroOnDeallocate>        inline void            MemoryPool<T, BlockSize, ZeroOnDeallocate>::deleteElement(pointer p) {            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_);            if (p != nullptr) {                p->~value_type();                deallocate(p);            }        }    }}#endif // PPX_BASE_MEMORY_POOL_H_


#include <iostream>#include <thread>using namespace std;class Apple {public:    Apple() {        id_ = 0;        cout << "Apple()" << endl;    }    Apple(int id) {        id_ = id;        cout << "Apple(" << id_ << ")" << endl;    }    ~Apple() {        cout << "~Apple()" << endl;    }    void SetId(int id) {        id_ = id;    }    int GetId() {        return id_;    }private:    int id_;};void ThreadProc(ppx::base::MemoryPool<char> *mp) {    int i = 0;    while (i++ < 100000) {        char* p0 = (char*)mp->allocate();        char* p1 = (char*)mp->allocate();        mp->deallocate(p0);        char* p2 = (char*)mp->allocate();        mp->deallocate(p1);                mp->deallocate(p2);    }}int main(){    ppx::base::MemoryPool<char> mp;    int i = 0;    while (i++ < 100000) {        char* p0 = (char*)mp.allocate();        char* p1 = (char*)mp.allocate();        mp.deallocate(p0);        char* p2 = (char*)mp.allocate();        mp.deallocate(p1);        mp.deallocate(p2);    }    std::thread th0(ThreadProc, &mp);    std::thread th1(ThreadProc, &mp);    std::thread th2(ThreadProc, &mp);    th0.join();    th1.join();    th2.join();    Apple *apple = nullptr;    {        ppx::base::MemoryPool<Apple> mp2;        apple = mp2.newElement(10);        int a = apple->GetId();        apple->SetId(10);        a = apple->GetId();        mp2.deleteElement(apple);    }    apple->SetId(12);    int b = -4 % 4;    int *a = nullptr;    {        ppx::base::MemoryPool<int, 18> mp3;        a =  mp3.allocate();        *a = 100;        //mp3.deallocate(a);        int *b =  mp3.allocate();        *b = 200;        //mp3.deallocate(b);        mp3.deallocate(a);        mp3.deallocate(b);        int *c = mp3.allocate();        *c = 300;    }    getchar();    return 0;}


